FSBC Update: Sept. 15 2022.

FSBC Update: Sept. 15 2022.

If you or someone you know are visiting in the area, feel free to pop into our church at our beautiful location on Sunday Mornings for our 11:00 AM worship service. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests this week. 

Fundy Seaside Baptist Church: 1015, NB-790, Dipper Harbour, NB E5J 1W2


Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022. In-person activities.

10:00 – 10:45 AM:

  • Adults Coffee & Sunday School.
  • Children’s Sunday School starts up.

11:00 AM – 12:15 Noon: In-person Weekly worship service.  

  • New Church Theme of the Year: “Take Root Below. Bear fruit Upward.” (Is. 37:31b.)

New Sermon Series kick-off. Pastor Rachel’s message this week will be “The Flood & the Blood”. (Gen. 6:18)

Sermon Archives

Archives at Sermons at the Seaside.  
Refresh, renew, recharge!

Prayer Group Gatherings

Note: Prayer Group will meet again next on Sept 27 (instead of Sept. 20), to make time  for everyone to have the opportunity to take in the 2022 Rawlyk Lecture on Tuesday, September 20 at 7pm – 9:00 PM (online or in person), hosted by Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies

Join us on Sun. Sept. 25th Church Potluck

  • Looking forward to sharing a meal with our newer folks and our seasoned regulars of the church!
  • Join us – and spread the word – for this time on the last Sunday of each month between now and the beginning of the Advent season!

“Be sincere in your love for others … Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself. Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord … Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying. Take care of God’s needy people and welcome strangers into your home.” Rom. 12: 9-13 (CEV).

Our condolences to, and our prayers are with Sheila Fleet and her extended family on the passing of Charity Fleet on Tues. this week. May the Lord comfort all who are grieving their loss.
For updated details about visitation and services, please go to https://www.stgeorgefh.ca/obituaries
Pastor Rachel will be officiating the services. 
*REVISED*: The visitation and funeral service will both take place at St. George Funeral Home.

Young People’s Group

  • Starting up in October. Music, Mentor & More – Youth and young adults to experience God in worship and music, grow their faith, and hone their skills through serving and building community.

Camp Tulakadik 

Camp Tulakadik will be hosting events this fall. They greatly appreciate the support our churches all year long! These events give an opportunity for them to connect with their  supporters of all ages as well as to allow them to introduce more families to the Camp.

The Sept. events dates are as follows: 

  • Open Camp Day – Saturday, September 17th from 11 to 3
  • Work Day – Saturday, September 24th 


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

*Need help with Zoom

 If you need help or have questions about setting up and using Zoom, please feel free to contact our church clerk, Trina Russell. She would be happy to help you. She is also willing to do practice Zoom sessions with anyone before any of these gatherings.  

May God bless you all! 

See past updates: