FSBC Weekly E-News: Dec 15-22, 2023

FSBC Weekly E-News: Dec 15-22, 2023

Welcome to Fundy Seaside!
We look forward to welcoming you and your guests at our beautiful location this week.

Sunday Dec. 17, 2023

  • 10:00 – 10:45 AM
    • Coffee and Adults Sunday School led by Greg Thompson.
    • Children’s Sunday School.
  • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    • Join us for both familiar and new songs this Advent Season.
    • Third Sunday of Advent: new Advent reading and candle lighting.
    • Sermon of the day: The Key to Joy. (Is. 9:2-3, 6-7). Key to the Castle, part 3.

Previous Sermon

“End on a High Note.” The Lord’s Prayer series, part 5. 2023-11-26.
Basically, if we take “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil as the ending of Jesus’ teaching , there are two parts to this: 1) lead us not into temptation; 2) deliver us from evil. To explain this mindset that Jesus wants to teach His followers, I believe we can use the story of Israelites in the desert to illustrate Jesus teaching here. This story is helpful as it is familiar to most of us.
Scripture: Lk 11:4b; Mt. 6:13. Ref: Heb. 3:16-19, 4:15-16; 1 Cor. 1:13; Ja. 1:13-14.

Quotes from the sermon:

” Oftentimes, we are tripped up by our own erroneous expectations that somehow Christians only live a smoothed out life the moment we first believed… like the Israelites imagined that after the red sea everything will be smooth sailing … all good …Like most of the Israelites journeying in the wilderness who forget what the most important is – there is hope of glory ahead of them when they eventually get to the promised land.”

“How can we pray then? How about we think more of the story of Joseph, and about Job? From their stories, while they were going through hardships, temptations, did they say, ‘God, why did you bring me into this temptation?’ If they did, would they have believed that God would deliver them from evil one day? Instead, during those long periods of suffering, when no light was in sight, … they believed that everything worked for the good for those who love God, they continued to obey God in the trials they were in, and they did not let the complaints or bitterness take root in their hearts, so they knew that God would deliver them from evil. And so they were empowered to overcome evil with good… and God did deliver them from evil.”

“Believe that you can never have fallen into a pit that is too deep. God’s rope is always long enough to reach you. When God’s people pray through Jesus Christ – in the name of our Saviour who is [the ultimate] high priest who prays for us according to the Father’s will, why would the Father not listen? Jesus has gone through all temptations yet did not sin…so he can empathise with us, and we can relate to Him. What a great comfort to us every time when we pray in the prayer group, in church at a service, or with your family, or by yourselves alone with God! In every situation big, small, medium or in between … we know that because He overcame His trials and temptations, He was given the name above all names …and the Name above all names is interceding for us – God’s people.”

Rev. Rachel Kwan. 11:00 AM, Sunday Service, 2023-11-26. Fundy Seaside Baptist Church, NB, Canada.

For other sermon videos and audios, please visit our sermon archives @ https://www.fundyseasidechurch.com/ Refresh, renew, recharge with “Sermons at the Seaside”©

Advent Personal Prayer Guides

Time flies. We are already in the second week of Advent. We pray that you will find these daily prayer guides helpful.

Prayer Group

Season Focus: People Groups Of the World
Upcoming Dates: Dec. 19
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM

Join Pastor Rachel to pray for the church, the community, and the world. During this season, we will be learning about people groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, their cultures, and their predominant belief systems. Together, we will discover how our God is moving in the hearts of people around the world.

  • See you on your devices via the following Zoom link. Same link every week.
    (Meeting ID: 896 2361 2156)
  • Alternatively, you can dial one of the following telephone numbers on your phone (Audio only – no video):
    • +17806660144,,89623612156# Canada
    • +12042727920,,89623612156# Canada
  • The Zoom link to the gathering is also on our website on the Gatherings page. Scroll down the page to find “Praying Around the World” then click on the Zoom link there.
  • Note: It is not necessary to install the Zoom App to attend the Zoom meeting. All it takes is to click on or dial the designated link/ phone number as listed above when it is the meeting start time.

FSBC Community

Christmas Eve @ FSBC
Sunday Dec. 24th, 2023

  • 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM Noon. Worship service: Fourth Sunday of Advent.
  • 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM. Evening Candlelight Service: Christmas Classics, Carols, & Communion.
    • What a special time to gather around the Lord’s Table to remember what He has done for us. Come celebrate with one another and proclaim Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

May God bless you all!

See past updates: