FSBC E-News: Feb. 29, 2024

FSBC E-News: Feb. 29, 2024

Welcome to Feb 29, and to the fifth edition of Fundy Seaside’s E-News!

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests at our beautiful location this week.

Scriptures to Ponder

We are in the third week of the 2024 Lent season. Know that you are not alone in seeking God. Jesus promised God’s help to those who seek Him. Jesus said, “Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.” (John 7:17 NIV).

  • Recalling and recollecting what it was like to live in lock-down in the last leap year of 2020, we are particularly mindful that our merciful God has sustained us and allowed us to arrive at this moment on Feb. 29, 2024. In hindsight, we have learnt a lot in the past 4 years about ourselves and those around us, about life and death, endurance and sickness, as well as hopefulness and hopelessness.
  • Here we are – four years later: This congregation no longer needs to be in lock-down mode. Instead, this body of Christ at Fundy Seaside is continuing to open our new doors for folks to come and gather in Jesus’ Name, and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ Sunday after Sunday. There is much to be thankful for.
  • Today, through these Scripture verses, we are reminded that the word “leap” means to spring forth like a spring of water, the same original Greek word used in these three scenarios in the New Testament. May these Scriptures help us remember that renewal and movement start from within us by God’s mercy and His grace found in Jesus Christ. In Christ, there is always newness beneath the surface, there is always growth and increase in the midst of darkness.

Sunday Mar. 3rd, 2024

  • 10:00 – 10:45 AM: Sunday School & Coffee Time
  • 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM: Weekly Worship Service.
  • We will partake in communion, and learn a new song for this season.
  • Pastor Rachel will continue her Lent & Easter sermon series “Receive and Deliver”.
  • The sermon this week will be “Are you One Such Child?” Mt. 18:5.

Prayer Group

Season Focus: Cultures in the World
Upcoming Dates: March 12, 19, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM

Join Pastor Rachel to pray for the church, the community, and the world. During this season, we will be learning about Canadian Baptist Ministries in Africa, the work they are involved in, the people and the cultures they are serving. Together, we will discover how God is moving in the hearts of people around the world.

  • See you on your devices via the following Zoom link. Same link every week.
    (Meeting ID: 896 2361 2156)
  • Alternatively, you can dial one of the following telephone numbers on your phone (Audio only – no video):
    • +17806660144,,89623612156# Canada
    • +12042727920,,89623612156# Canada
  • The Zoom link to the gathering is also on our website on the Gatherings page. Scroll down the page to find “Praying Around the World” then click on the Zoom link there.
  • Note: It is not necessary to install the Zoom App to attend the Zoom meeting. All it takes is to click on or dial the designated link/ phone number as listed above when it is the meeting start time.

Church Giving Envelopes

If you would like offering envelopes for your donations towards the church’s expenses and/or the causes the church supports, please let us know or email us at fundyseasidechurch@gmail.com

Camp Tulakadik Spring Brunch

Camp Tulakadik has asked us to share this invitation with our congregation. There will be a spring brunch hosted by Hillcrest Baptist Church in Saint John on Saturday, March 23rd from 12-2pm. This will be a time of gathering together to support the camp, eat some tasty food and a time for the new executive director of Camp Tulakadik to share about Camp T and how God brought him to it. The brunch will be by donation.


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

May God bless you all!

See past updates: