FSBC E-News: Apr. 11, 2024

FSBC E-News: Apr. 11, 2024

Welcome to the second edition of FSBC E-news in April.

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests at our beautiful location this week.

Sun. April 14th.
– 10:00 AM Sunday School & Coffee Time
– 11:00 AM Sunday Worship Service
– Pastor Rachel will begin a new sermon series entitled “Do You Not Remember?” ~ Jesus.

– The message this Sunday will be “Walkie-talkie” – Finding the way. (Lk. 24:13-27)

Thoughts to Follow

– What happened to Jesus before He rose? … Jesus was buried in the tomb.

– What day was it in this case – the day between Good Friday and Resurrection Day? … the day of rest…for the Jews … a day … (as) total rest. What’s more, God gave them a BIG Sabbath, once a year … Day of Atonement – “the Sabbath of sabbaths”. Lev. 16:29-34.

– We have a parallel here with Jesus who is the sinless man, being left in his lifeless body in the tomb. His burial was that His afflicted body not moving, dead-lifeless, not doing any work… it was the complete and true sabbath…Jesus atoned for people’s sins by first actualizing and fulfilling the requirement of the Day of Atonement – biggest Sabbath of all, He was truly afflicted to the point of death, then being buried in the tomb, in the silence, in the stillness, doing no work, having no movement.

– After the fall of Adam and Eve, there was no true day of rest – no true Day of Atonement either – to appease the anger of God towards the sins of humankind. Only on that momentous Sabbath Day between Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection could the tide be turned, and the Sabbath could be made HOLY once again (and the meaning of it restored).

– Jesus fulfilled the true sabbath of God through His death, His burial, and His resurrection. No wonder He truly deserves to be called the Lord of the Sabbath. Because of His atonement that brought about our redemption, forgiveness of sins, there will be another Sabbath – waiting for us in the future – for any of us – whosoever will be in Christ. …We can truly enter that rest by dying with Christ, and being buried with Christ in baptism, and by faith, we can see ahead with hope, with conviction of the truth of Christ’ resurrection that one day we will be raised to a new and everlasting life in Him.

– On that third day and afterwards, with hundreds of credible eye-witnesses who truly saw that Death had been swallowed up in victory. The sting of death is no more! Thanks be to God because He has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is not in vain, and your true Sabbath is waiting for you in the future. This (Sabbath) truly is worth every ounce of your effort to enter in – when we will be united with Jesus, one with Him, and one in union with our God and Father.

“What Day is It?”
~ Not your typical Easter sermon.
Ref: Lk. 23:50-56; Lev. 16:29-34; Heb. 4:8b-11. Lk. 24; 1 Cor. 15:54-58; Rom. 6:4, 8-11, 23; Col. 3:3, 2:20; 1 Cor. 15:2-8, 54-58.
Rev. Rachel Kwan. 10:00 AM, Easter Music & Celebration Service. 2024-03-31. Fundy Seaside Baptist Church, NB, Canada.
For other sermon videos and audios, please visit our sermon archives @ https://www.fundyseasidechurch.com/sermons-at-the-seaside/
Refresh, renew, recharge with “Sermons at the Seaside”©

Want to go to Camp this Summer?

Our church would like to send some students to Camp this summer. Take a look at the camps being offered!
Registration for Camp T has been open since the middle of March. Space is limited. Register early.
Please speak with Pastor Rachel if you or someone you know are interested.


Rev. Rachel Kwan. 11:00 AM, Sunday Service, “Parable Before the Palms.” 2024-03-29.

Prayer Group

Season Focus: Cultures in the World
Upcoming Dates: April 9, 23, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM

Join Pastor Rachel to pray for the church, the community, and the world. During this season, we will be learning about Canadian Baptist Ministries in Africa, the work they are involved in, the people and the cultures they are serving. Together, we will discover how God is moving in the hearts of people around the world.

  • See you on your devices via the following Zoom link. Same link every week.
    (Meeting ID: 896 2361 2156)
  • Alternatively, you can dial one of the following telephone numbers on your phone (Audio only – no video):
    • +17806660144,,89623612156# Canada
    • +12042727920,,89623612156# Canada
  • The Zoom link to the gathering is also on our website on the Gatherings page. Scroll down the page to find “Praying Around the World” then click on the Zoom link there.
  • Note: It is not necessary to install the Zoom App to attend the Zoom meeting. All it takes is to click on or dial the designated link/ phone number as listed above when it is the meeting start time.

Church Giving Envelopes

If you would like offering envelopes for your donations towards the church’s expenses and/or the causes the church supports, please let us know or email us at fundyseasidechurch@gmail.com

Camp Tulakadik Spring Work Days: April 19th and 20th.

  • 8:30 to 4pm. Come for the whole day or a part.
  • Coffee and snacks will be provided. Be sure to pack your lunch!
  • Many projects suited for a variety of abilities, both indoors and out. For more information about a project you can tackle, please contact Dave Corkum at 506 847 0707.


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

May God bless you all!

See past updates: