FSBC E-News: June 7, 2024

FSBC E-News: June 7, 2024

Welcome to the 1st edition of the FSBC E-News in June!

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests at our beautiful location this week.

Sun. June 9th

– 10:00 AM Sunday School & Coffee Time
– 11:00 AM Worship Service
– Pastor Rachel’s sermon will be “How I Long to See You!” (Rom. 1:5-17, 16:25-26) as we continue in the new sermon series “My Carry-on”.

  • June 16
    • Final day of Sunday school before summer break.
    • Father’s Day Worship Service
    • Family Photo – immediately following the Service.
  • June 23
    • 4th Sunday of the month – Communion Sunday.
  • June 30
    • Mystery Songsday
  • July 7th
    • Church Family Potluck – following the 11:00 AM Service.

Prayer Group

Season Focus: Cultures in the World
Upcoming Dates: June 18, 25/2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM

Join Pastor Rachel to pray for the church, the community, and the world. During this season, we will be learning about Canadian Baptist Ministries in Africa, the work they are involved in, the people and the cultures they are serving. Together, we will discover how God is moving in the hearts of people around the world.

  • See you on your devices via the following Zoom link. Same link every week.
    (Meeting ID: 896 2361 2156)
  • Alternatively, you can dial one of the following telephone numbers on your phone (Audio only – no video):
    • +17806660144,,89623612156# Canada
    • +12042727920,,89623612156# Canada
  • The Zoom link to the gathering is also on our website on the Gatherings page. Scroll down the page to find “Praying Around the World” then click on the Zoom link there.
  • Note: It is not necessary to install the Zoom App to attend the Zoom meeting. All it takes is to click on or dial the designated link/ phone number as listed above when it is the meeting start time.

Giving to FSBC

In addition to cash and cheques, FSBC is now set up for giving online through E-transfer.

  • You can send e-transfers to FundySeasideBaptist@gmail.com (The church has direct deposit.)
  • Please include “General fund” or “Other: …” in the message line so our treasurer knows the proper allocation.

If you would like offering envelopes for your donations, please let our interim treasurer know, or email her at the same address above, or pick one up from the table in the church foyer.

Thank you for your support to FSBC’s ministries!

Other News

Lay Visitation Training Workshop

FSBC is a sister church in the Saint John-Kings Association.

There is a wonderful opportunity coming up for interested congregants in the SJK Association to attend a Lay Visitation Training workshop:

  • Date: Saturday, Nov 2, 2024
  • Time: 10:30am to 2pm.
  • Venue: Forest Hills United Baptist Church

The scripture theme will be based on 1 John 3:18 with 2 workshops repeated in the morning and afternoon on “spiritual conversation” and “suffering.”

CBAC Prayer Link for Sunday June 9
Congratulations to our High School grads! Take a moment to pray for them as they celebrate this awesome accomplishment! Ask God to guide their next steps, and pray for the changes and uncertainties they may be facing. Pray over this next phase in their lives and pray for God’s peace to surround them. Pray specifically for any high school grads in your church and/or community.

June 11-13 Simpson Lectures

The 2024 Simpson Lectures are part of Acadia Divinity College’s annual East Coast Theology Summer School from June 11-13, 2024, on-site in Wolfville and live online.

Simpson Week Events are open to the public – all welcome.

Active in Mission 2024

CBAC Staff team wants to raise funds for and awareness about food insecurity through Active in Mission. They’ll be walking during lunch hours throughout the month of June.


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

May God bless you all!

See past updates: