FSBC Weekly E-News: September 22, 2023.

FSBC Weekly E-News: September 22, 2023.

Welcome to Fundy Seaside!
We look forward to welcoming you and your guests at our beautiful location this week.

Sunday, September 24th

  • Our weekly worship service is at 11:00 AM.
  • Pastor Rachel’s sermon this week will be “Smoke Gets in My Eyes”.
    (2 Kings 2:3-4.)
    The Forerunner Stories series.
  • Due to some updating work that are being done involving the downstairs of the church, our regular activities like Sunday Schools and Potlucks will resume after these updates are finished. However, our washrooms downstairs are always open during our worship and gatherings.

Previous Sermons

“My Bucket List”, Part 3. Jericho: Yes or No?
(2 Kings 2:4; Josh. 6:3-5; Rom. 8:28-29.)
“Let’s face it: no matter who we are, everyone has unfaceable things and situations. Everyone of us has things that we all will have to go through in life, regardless. However, the question is: is it considered a Jericho to us, or is it not? What actually constitutes Jericho as a Jericho to us?”
“Jericho is not simply any hardship to anybody – whether you are a believer or not, nor is Jericho just any difficulty a believer faces. …To me, Jericho means victory. More specifically, overcoming. …But each time it needs our faith to live through and go through – there’s no once-and-for-all faith in Jesus. Our faith in Jesus has to be moving on in real time. So, personally, Jericho has to do with my relationship with God…Whether you have experienced your Jerichos or not, you can have your Jericho today…”

Prayer Group

Season Focus: Praying Around the World via 110 Cities.
Upcoming Dates: Sept. 26th.
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM

Join Pastor Rachel to pray for the church, the community, and the world. During this season, we will be learning about 110 Cities and the people groups that live there, their cultures, and their predominant belief systems. Together, we will discover how our God is moving in the hearts of people around the world.

  • See you on your devices via the following Zoom link. Same link every week.
    (Meeting ID: 896 2361 2156)
  • Alternatively, you can dial one of the following telephone numbers on your phone (Audio only – no video):
    • +17806660144,,89623612156# Canada
    • +12042727920,,89623612156# Canada
  • The Zoom link to the gathering is also on our website on the Gatherings page. Scroll down the page to find “Praying Around the World” then click on the Zoom link there.
  • Note: It is not necessary to install the Zoom App to attend the Zoom meeting. All it takes is to click on or dial the designated link/ phone number as listed above when it is the meeting start time.

Camp Tulakadik News

Fall Work Day…

Come help us get the Camp ready for winter!

Join us on Saturday September 30th for our Fall Work Day

We’ll be here from 8:30 to 4pm, come for the whole day or a part. Be sure to pack your lunch!

We have an assortment of tasks suited for various abilities, including:

  • Dispose of deadfall/brush along driveway
  • Remove paper products from unheated buildings
  • Clean up Building 4 (former aliases: Desert, Craft/Mission cabin)
  • Remove window fans and air conditioners
  • Cut up deadfalls for campfire wood (bring your own equipment)
  • Clean up vegetable garden
  • Tidy up apartment
  • Cut brush around sea can storage area and basketball court (bring your own equipment)
  • Clean/pick up around buildings

For more information contact Peter Candy at 506-567-9575 or coastalpjc@gmail.com

Fall Banquet…

Our annual fall banquet is coming up on Friday, Oct 13th at Kennebecasis Baptist.

This year’s meal will be a turkey dinner and apple crisp for dessert.

Please RSVP by Oct 5th, by calling 506-839-2964 or sending an email to info@camptulakadik.com.


Contact Fundy Seaside

  • If you would like to be added to the email list for this, please contact us using the contact form here
  • Current/ previous news, updates, and weekly sermons will continue to be available at our website: fundyseasidechurch.com

May God bless you all!

See past updates: