The Fundy Seaside Experience

About Us

Fundy Seaside Baptist Church, nestled by the picturesque Fundy Bay, is a welcoming space for individuals to connect with Jesus. Our church provides a warm and inclusive community where people can come together for worship, prayer, and spiritual growth. Whether you’re a longtime member or a first-time visitor, you’ll discover a supportive environment and a variety of activities to enhance your faith journey. Come join us at Fundy Seaside Baptist Church to experience the love and grace of Jesus in a serene seaside setting.

The church’s history dates back to 1847 when the Baptist work began in the region with the establishment of the South Musquash & Dipper Harbour United Baptist Church on June 13th, meeting at Joseph McLellan’s home in Dipper Harbour. Initially, the church congregated in members’ homes for the first five years. Today, Fundy Seaside Baptist Church is a unified congregation from three former church communities: Chance Harbour, Dipper Harbour, and Maces Bay. It is located on a scenic seaside route, welcoming both new families and longtime locals to worship together in harmony.

At the beginning of 2021

during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pastor Rachel sensed God moving upon her heart to start a virtual group. So she started the group Up-link. When individuals have an upwards connection with a personal God, God’s love will manifest in these individuals’ lives. As a result, they are uplinked to God and linked up in community with one another. 

Subsequently, when we extended the call to her to serve at Fundy Seaside, one of the reasons she knew it was God’s will was the up-link with God she sensed at the church. 

When the land ends and the sea begins,

we can look beyond that shoreline onto the waters, into the horizon with a different perspective and a renewed hope.

At Fundy Seaside, everyone is a contributor who enriches the community by their participation. When we up-link with God and link-up with each other to serve God and the community, we see beyond the horizon – to the heart of the all-sufficient God.

The greatest commandment that Jesus taught us

is to love God and love others as ourselves. When God’s children have a personal up-link connection with God through Jesus Christ the mediator, God’s love will link them up with each other.

The love of God will continue to flow out through His children and show forth beyond the church building. God’s love links people up together beyond walls and beyond barriers.

Our states of spiritual and mental well-being

can and will affect our physical health. Now is a good time to let your spiritual and mental well-being become the fuel for you to adapt to the new challenges we might face every day.

Come join us at Fundy Seaside to experience the uplink with God and be uplifted by the worship and the Word.

At Fundy Seaside, God’s love is nearby.

“because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”

~ 2Cor. 4:18. (NET)